Sunday, December 20, 2009

First post

Wow, my first blog post. I'm only, what, five years behind the rest of the internet?

OK, a little about what you will see here, and why.

I have been working thousands of hours for the past few years building the foundation of my business. Some people don't take that long, but then again, a lot of new businesses fail because they didn't prepare properly. I wanted to give my business a STRONG foundation and prepare everything I could before I seriously launched it.

So now the time has come to launch it.

I will be actively selling nationwide this spring. I've set a launch date of March 1st. I'm extremely excited, and terrified. This feels like when I was pregnant with my first child.

I thought I would share what I am going through during this gearing up period, as well as discuss what I have learned over the past three years. That way, if you want to start your own business -or even if you're just interested in how someone starts a business- you can read ideas, suggestions, pitfalls, and more here.

I will not only be providing useful information, but random personal blogs about myself, my life, thoughts, etc.

I hope you like it, and I am open to all constructive feedback.

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