Sunday, May 23, 2010

Saturday's introspective

Once again, I am finding every one thing I need to do requires a dozen other things with it.

To hook up the shopping cart to the site, I downloaded a software program I had been recommended. Then I virus scanned it, extracted it, and read the instructions. Way more than I had time to learn; uninstalled everything. Went to my back up, PayPal. Shopping carts require shipping charges, which necessitated trips to the post office, UPS, and FedEx to compare prices based on weight. I also wanted to go ahead and get the shipping weight for the jars; I didn't have any new jars ready. So I needed to complete a batch of salve to pour off into the new jars, and I was out of a key ingredient. I ran to the store to get key ingredient, and the power fails from the rainstorm just as I walk in the door; the registers were still working, so I bought it. Turned out using the lights would have been handy; I got the wrong thing and had to go back the next day. Then I overheated my wax, ruining the wax and the pot (in trying to save the heating pot, I created a big mess for myself too).

I've learned from life and talking to other people that this is not just me. If there are any aspiring entrepreneurs out there reading this, know that you will experience this, too. You will need some permit at some point that requires information off your elementary records, which you mom doesn't have (after searching through dozens of boxes), so you will have to contact the school, fill out a form for them which needs other forms you don't have handy, and so on. You can only plan for so much, then you have to learn how to roll with it.

I have to say the laptop I bought used on eBay a few months back has been absolutely indispensable. It enables me to work anywhere, on anything- from this blog, to new labels, to the website. You absolutely must have a computer and know how to use it to succeed in business today- and a laptop is way more accessible than a desktop.

My lip balm Slick is now being carried in Glassphemy in Pullman, WA.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Website modifications

I changed the graphics and layout for the entire website. Currently, all that's up is the same page, repeated; this was to allow me to perfect the spacing and layout issues. Next I'll be adding the content and hooking up the shopping cart. I think it looks pretty sweet- check it out for yourself at

Well, I have found the place to get my UPC codes (bar codes). Soon as I have about $900 for that, I'll be set there for up to 100 bar codes for 100 unique products, and I can start listing products on, among other places. The annual charge isn't that high; that includes a 'new customer fee' for setting up all the paperwork and whatnot.

This has been a time of 3,000 steps to accomplish any ONE thing. It has been very frustrating.

For example, I ordered more labels; the printer I use is moving, and consequently the payment I gave them when I ordered they lost, and I had to call payment in again. When I saw my bank balance on my ATM receipt, I thought it looked a little low; it was possible they may have double charged me. So I wanted to check online. I recently cleaned my cookies, and therefore wiped out my online access code, so I called customer service for my login info. The rep just kept on asking 'verification' questions, and I began to get uneasy. Then he refused to identify himself further than "John", which made me very concerned. So I rushed to the branch office, and spoke with the manager. A half hour of discussions ensued, and I left relieved and assured that John was not data mining, but rather following procedure for business accounts. All together, I spent over an hour and a half on this.

It wasn't until about a half hour after I was out of the bank that I realized I still didn't have my login, or know if I was double-billed!

Apply this to just about everything I have been doing lately. Even the website work has gone painfully slow, requiring multiple calls to my ISP and GoDaddy.

I just keep on keeping on, but it is not easy. Thank goodness the play is over, and I have more time. I thoroughly enjoyed it and we got rave reviews, but boy it took a lot of my time for two months. Add in that I'm in the worst allergy season of my life, and I'm surprised I'm getting anything done.