Thursday, May 6, 2010

Website modifications

I changed the graphics and layout for the entire website. Currently, all that's up is the same page, repeated; this was to allow me to perfect the spacing and layout issues. Next I'll be adding the content and hooking up the shopping cart. I think it looks pretty sweet- check it out for yourself at

Well, I have found the place to get my UPC codes (bar codes). Soon as I have about $900 for that, I'll be set there for up to 100 bar codes for 100 unique products, and I can start listing products on, among other places. The annual charge isn't that high; that includes a 'new customer fee' for setting up all the paperwork and whatnot.

This has been a time of 3,000 steps to accomplish any ONE thing. It has been very frustrating.

For example, I ordered more labels; the printer I use is moving, and consequently the payment I gave them when I ordered they lost, and I had to call payment in again. When I saw my bank balance on my ATM receipt, I thought it looked a little low; it was possible they may have double charged me. So I wanted to check online. I recently cleaned my cookies, and therefore wiped out my online access code, so I called customer service for my login info. The rep just kept on asking 'verification' questions, and I began to get uneasy. Then he refused to identify himself further than "John", which made me very concerned. So I rushed to the branch office, and spoke with the manager. A half hour of discussions ensued, and I left relieved and assured that John was not data mining, but rather following procedure for business accounts. All together, I spent over an hour and a half on this.

It wasn't until about a half hour after I was out of the bank that I realized I still didn't have my login, or know if I was double-billed!

Apply this to just about everything I have been doing lately. Even the website work has gone painfully slow, requiring multiple calls to my ISP and GoDaddy.

I just keep on keeping on, but it is not easy. Thank goodness the play is over, and I have more time. I thoroughly enjoyed it and we got rave reviews, but boy it took a lot of my time for two months. Add in that I'm in the worst allergy season of my life, and I'm surprised I'm getting anything done.

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