Saturday, January 23, 2010

Catching up blog

We were looking into somehow, someway, buy this large 'white elephant' home in the area. It would have given me plenty of space for the business, as well as more living space than we have now, plus rooms to rent. I keep getting turned down and don't know if it's because I'm not meant to have it so I'm being deterred, or if I'm supposed to overcome rejections and keep trying to get this house. More on this to come, I'm sure.

So I've contacted two webmasters and one photographer from my area. No responses so far; where are fellow small business owners who are working? I need you to be so I can be too :)

There have been 50,000 problems and 'shiny objects' to deter me from my business, and still I press onward.

Oh, and did I mention, my partner and I have successfully quit smoking?! Three weeks already, and going strong. We are starting a cleansing/nourishing diet next week so I will have all the energy and focus I need to make this launch a success.

So now the withdrawal is pretty much out of my system, the diet will take care of any lingering traces, and I'm rocking and rolling. This week: email FedEx and UPS for quotes/packages for shipping (get on regular pick-up schedule); open new business bank account; place uline order; email SBDC to begin research for finding some equipment I need; open storage shed to clear out space for manufacturing/storing in apartment; order new business cards; file tax ID; empty out office/closets into storage shed; order oil, wax, herbs, tubes; spruce up MySpace account.

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