Friday, April 9, 2010

The labels arrived! They look smokin' awesome! If you are in need of labels, Majestic Mountain Sage is an inexpensive, quick, thorough, and highly recommended label printers'! These labels are salve-proof (I tested) so the ink won't smear all to heck and back like they did on the ones from my home office printer.

It took a few days to clean up the mess and air out the room from the ruined salve. Rehearsal for the play I'm in has stepped up, my textbooks arrived for my two new classes, and life has generally been revved up several notches. I finally got myself a new pillow this week; I haven't slept well for around 2 months due to the old one.

Tomorrow is five hours of rehearsal, gym, and catching up on two weeks worth of college classes for two classes. Sunday will be finishing up homework, housework, spending time with family; and I hope to carve out a few hours (at least two) to work on the website.

Did I mention I will give you FREE STUFF for posting a reply here? Is anyone reading this, or I am I simply talking to myself in public? It'd be nice to know is all...

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