Thursday, April 1, 2010

No Fooling

I just possibly burned a huge amount of salve- 2 large batches. The laundry was coming out of the dryer as I was late for a doctor's appointment, and I forgot to turn the heat down before I left. Ack.

So, I'm going to see if this can be salvaged, and set it aside until I see how it acts; maybe it won't be a total loss. I made notes as I went to calculate my new COGS since switching to completely organic herbs and oils -lots of expensive oils that I just boiled- but I have not yet calculated them. So, good time to do the COGS! LOL :)

Since last time, I finished a class (A, natch), started 2 new ones, filed taxes, got my Tax ID, & created a new label for the lip balm, which I renamed from Cracked to Slick. What do you think?

This has gone to the printers, a proof will be here any day, then I've got a small run coming. If I like them, then I'm going for 1,000 or more- so anyone who notices a mistake or error before April 16th gets a free lip balm! Also, anyone who leaves constructive feedback about this label (love it because, don't like this or that) here in comments will get a digital coupon for 30% off your first order!

Tell your friends! Grand Opening Earth Day, April 22nd.

As for me, life goes on. I have 15 hours of play rehearsal per week for "Our Town", which opens in two weeks. I have a meeting scheduled with the Entrepreneur department of the local University next week. I'm hoping a large body of students will review everything from my business plan to my layouts and marketing plans, and give me advice on how to strengthen and improve the business. He will let me know how that can happen, and what to expect. I'm excited about this.

I spoke with the USDA about using their Organic label. You'd think since most of the ingredients are certified organic with the logo, that it would be a given that I could use the logo too, right? Wrong! I have to pay to have the products (pay for each one) to be tested by the state agriculture department- and they decided if I can use a logo, and which one. So look for that logo in the near future. In the meantime, I have labeled in the ingredients list which ones are certified organic- those not marked as organic are grown organically, they just lack the funds to get their certification.

Some people may wonder why I'm working as hard as do- really, it's not that hard. The business does not take a large amount of time for me, it is just hard for me to work. I have some health issues that make it difficult to work much of the time, and impossible sometimes. Thankfully, I have a wonderful supportive partner who is happy to help, when I allow myself to ask for it.

When I feel overwhelmed, I look at my stuffed Dilbert perched on my desk and remember how much more my life sucked when I worked in a cubicle. And I remember the people I've helped with these balms and how it affected their life. I'm passionate about this business, and love what I'm doing, even if I can't go at the speed I would like :)

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