Tuesday, October 19, 2010

It's been a long time coming

Quick overview of recent events
  • Got married
  • Changed colleges
  • Health changes and challenges
It has been a very productive time for me. I have been moving and grooving, and it is good.

I am preparing a very large and serious project. It fills two handwritten white pages front and back, all the small pieces of this project. It certainly makes it easier to tackle it in small bites, crossing each line off as I go.

I nibble at things all day, work wise. I do 10 minutes of housework, play a game for 10 minutes, 5 minutes of phone calls, 30 minutes of graphics, etc. This has always worked well for me. I thought it was a 'just me' phenomenon, until I read "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living", by Dale Carnegie. An incredible book, belongs on everyone's "must read" list. In one of the chapters, Mr. Carnegie outlines the evidence gathered from monitoring groups of manual laborers, and office workers. The workers who took frequent and lengthy breaks were over 400% MORE PRODUCTIVE than those who did not.

Entrepreneurs, do not forget your resources! There are article databases everywhere, from the government and from well known magazines and newspapers. Social networking has exploded online, and there are groups that will teach you how to do everything from give a speech to mingling, as well as who to contact for your want/need.

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