Sunday, February 28, 2010

bzz bzz

Busy busy bee. Rearranged office, purchased and installed new desk, sorted through all office paperwork. Received, unloaded, and unpacked 5 huge uline boxes (jars and boxes, mostly). Did three weeks' worth of homework. Broke in laptop and new shoes.

I'm so blessed that my mate offered to take over all the food- shopping, prepping, and cooking. I'm even further blessed because my son then took over all the chores, except the cat box. I haven't had this few household chores since I was 8; then again, I've never had as many other things on my daily 'to do' list.

Play rehearsals start up again next week.

Three weeks until Spring!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Wow, has it really been three weeks? I've been mad busy.

Done off the to-do lists: called FedEx and UPS for quotes/packages for shipping; placed uline order; shredding; made and went to doctor's appointment; made and went to haircut appointments; tried out for play, got part in play, went to 6 play rehearsals; organized and cleaned the kitchen; organized and cleaned the living room; spoke to insurance agent to get price quotes for liability insurance; bought a digital camera for "before" and "after" pictures; bought a cell phone; took two loads to storage; bought a laptop and accessories; bought new clothes so I can look more professional.

I got so far as to print out the Tax ID forms, figuring I'd be more likely to fill them out off-line. Then, when I had time to fill them out, I couldn't find them. Frustrating.

That's all I can remember at the moment. That's all in addition to the normal running of the household- laundry, bills, cleaning, cooking, my homework, son's homework, etc.

I should point out something that took up an enormous amount of time. My finacee had health problems that needed immediate and radical attention. He did an organic vegetable juice and herbal tea fast for three weeks. There were also massages and special baths daily, among other things. This took up about 75% of my day for 21 days in a row. I'm happy to say it all was worth it. He lost 30 lbs, the pains in his chest are gone, his overall health has improved, and his blood sugar is down an average of 85 points a day.

Everyone is already besieging me for salves. My daughter is going to sell them as a distributor, and she reminds me every day how much she hates her current job. Lots of pressure. I'm too stressed to meditate, I just burn the incense so the smell can relax me some.

I'm currently reading Ogilvy on Advertising, looking for any kind of advice on advertising I can get from the best. When that book is done, I have a stack of another half-dozen waiting for me. Since time is at a premium, I carry them around and read in the tub, on the toilet, on the treadmill or bike at the gym, whenever I can. I've done the same in the past for starting my own business, writing a business plan, how to research, market research, etc. You don't just wake up one day with the knowledge of how to run a business. You have to do your homework.

Ironically, one of the other books I'm reading, 2010 Megatrends, starts out by talking about how important it is to meditate!

No play rehearsals this week, which gives me time to put the pedal to the metal and get stuff done.

Monday, February 1, 2010

To do list

Last week's: email FedEx and UPS for quotes/packages for shipping (get on regular pick-up schedule); open new business bank account; place uline order; email SBDC to begin research for finding some equipment I need; open storage shed to clear out space for manufacturing/storing in apartment; order new business cards; file tax ID; empty out office/closets into storage shed; order oil, wax, herbs, tubes; spruce up MySpace account.

As of this blog, have done the blue highlighted items. It's been a hell of a week. I've also joined the gym (and done one workout), grocery shopped at least eight times, taken three loads to the shed, ordered new contacts, and made gallons of juice. My partner has begun a juice cleansing and healing regime, and washing and prepping the produce takes up a ton of time; I've helped as I could.

So, new list for this week: complete all of last week's undone items (except for green), shred, organize and clean office, create new business cards, call to meet with accountants, get shelves hung in the closet to hold inventory. Meanwhile, on a personal note, I have to call for a doctor's appointment, make haircut appointments, go to haircut appointments, try out for a play, organize and clean the kitchen, organize and clean the living room, go shopping another umpteen times, etc etc.

I'm building up to having a business class at the University review my work, and to doing a market research survey around town. I figure the more good brains are in on this the better, and listening to my (future) customers is a great way to begin as I intend to go on. So I have to update the business plan (which I've needed to do for months), create a presentation (preferably PP, with white copies as well as overheads), create a survey form that will be as informative as possible, modify the business labels, create a second layout for the labels, create signs for the survey, etc.

I will blog as I can, and hope to be very busy for a while.

Comments on the 18th

Upon further thought, I realized that my life has been intermingled with the government my entire life. I reacted that day in an emotional, knee-jerk, teen-rebellion type manner. "I'm grown up now, see? I don't need or want you in my life. So there."

The reality is that if not for the government, my children would never have had any type of health coverage (Medicaid), including for their births. Their nutrition would have been poorer if not for WIC (which while appreciated, I must say today that an organic produce set of coupons is a must) and food stamps. The government stepped in at a time in my life where violence demanded help, and did everything they could to remedy the situation.

So, to clarify: I love my country. I appreciate my government. I wish there weren't so many assholes in positions to run my government. That's about the extent of my politics, really. I don't have a mad on for Republicans or Democrats, the right or left; just jerks who aren't doing their job right and are screwing things up for, oh, everyone.

Since this business is such a passion for me, I don't want to hand over any type of control of it whatsoever. At this point, anyway. As much as I want to stand on my own to do this, I do need money to make this work. I don't know if I really want to try for the loan, or to try for private investors. No matter what route I take, I want it to be on my terms, without sacrificing my soul and who I am.

I don't want this business to change me. I want it to always reflect my ethics, my passions, and my commitment.