Monday, February 1, 2010

To do list

Last week's: email FedEx and UPS for quotes/packages for shipping (get on regular pick-up schedule); open new business bank account; place uline order; email SBDC to begin research for finding some equipment I need; open storage shed to clear out space for manufacturing/storing in apartment; order new business cards; file tax ID; empty out office/closets into storage shed; order oil, wax, herbs, tubes; spruce up MySpace account.

As of this blog, have done the blue highlighted items. It's been a hell of a week. I've also joined the gym (and done one workout), grocery shopped at least eight times, taken three loads to the shed, ordered new contacts, and made gallons of juice. My partner has begun a juice cleansing and healing regime, and washing and prepping the produce takes up a ton of time; I've helped as I could.

So, new list for this week: complete all of last week's undone items (except for green), shred, organize and clean office, create new business cards, call to meet with accountants, get shelves hung in the closet to hold inventory. Meanwhile, on a personal note, I have to call for a doctor's appointment, make haircut appointments, go to haircut appointments, try out for a play, organize and clean the kitchen, organize and clean the living room, go shopping another umpteen times, etc etc.

I'm building up to having a business class at the University review my work, and to doing a market research survey around town. I figure the more good brains are in on this the better, and listening to my (future) customers is a great way to begin as I intend to go on. So I have to update the business plan (which I've needed to do for months), create a presentation (preferably PP, with white copies as well as overheads), create a survey form that will be as informative as possible, modify the business labels, create a second layout for the labels, create signs for the survey, etc.

I will blog as I can, and hope to be very busy for a while.

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