Monday, February 1, 2010

Comments on the 18th

Upon further thought, I realized that my life has been intermingled with the government my entire life. I reacted that day in an emotional, knee-jerk, teen-rebellion type manner. "I'm grown up now, see? I don't need or want you in my life. So there."

The reality is that if not for the government, my children would never have had any type of health coverage (Medicaid), including for their births. Their nutrition would have been poorer if not for WIC (which while appreciated, I must say today that an organic produce set of coupons is a must) and food stamps. The government stepped in at a time in my life where violence demanded help, and did everything they could to remedy the situation.

So, to clarify: I love my country. I appreciate my government. I wish there weren't so many assholes in positions to run my government. That's about the extent of my politics, really. I don't have a mad on for Republicans or Democrats, the right or left; just jerks who aren't doing their job right and are screwing things up for, oh, everyone.

Since this business is such a passion for me, I don't want to hand over any type of control of it whatsoever. At this point, anyway. As much as I want to stand on my own to do this, I do need money to make this work. I don't know if I really want to try for the loan, or to try for private investors. No matter what route I take, I want it to be on my terms, without sacrificing my soul and who I am.

I don't want this business to change me. I want it to always reflect my ethics, my passions, and my commitment.

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