Thursday, October 21, 2010

Shopping at Co-Op

I was stopped dead in my tracks, blood drained from my face in the store today. There sat a display of lip balms, prominently named with the phrase I had chosen as a slogan for my lip balm. And it was Trademarked.

On the one hand, I am very glad I saw this before I began the 20+ hours to create the t-shirt logo, which I had planned to start tomorrow. On the other, I was very attached to this slogan; it is very good, and an easily remembered catchy phrase. I regretted losing it.

I was upset because the only reason I lost the use of this phrase was because of finances. I could not afford the trademark myself, so I lost some very valuable intellectual property.

I had been seriously considering pursuing venture capital prior to this, now I am certain. I have an outstanding product, vastly superior to anything on the market. The only way the public will know about it is if there is a large sum of capital to mass produce and promote it, and I need to stop dragging my feet about obtaining it. I am losing market space, more every day.

I think that I felt that going for a venture capitalist was giving up, admitting I could not do it myself. Now I realize that it is a sign of success. Hey, guess what? I can't do it all by myself- there's not enough of me, not enough hours in the day. There's nothing wrong with that. Realizing that, and and taking the steps to get that help, are steps towards success.

So I am grateful for the new lip balm, for giving me the burning desire to take the next step. I have been skirting back from this step for a long time; no more.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

It's been a long time coming

Quick overview of recent events
  • Got married
  • Changed colleges
  • Health changes and challenges
It has been a very productive time for me. I have been moving and grooving, and it is good.

I am preparing a very large and serious project. It fills two handwritten white pages front and back, all the small pieces of this project. It certainly makes it easier to tackle it in small bites, crossing each line off as I go.

I nibble at things all day, work wise. I do 10 minutes of housework, play a game for 10 minutes, 5 minutes of phone calls, 30 minutes of graphics, etc. This has always worked well for me. I thought it was a 'just me' phenomenon, until I read "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living", by Dale Carnegie. An incredible book, belongs on everyone's "must read" list. In one of the chapters, Mr. Carnegie outlines the evidence gathered from monitoring groups of manual laborers, and office workers. The workers who took frequent and lengthy breaks were over 400% MORE PRODUCTIVE than those who did not.

Entrepreneurs, do not forget your resources! There are article databases everywhere, from the government and from well known magazines and newspapers. Social networking has exploded online, and there are groups that will teach you how to do everything from give a speech to mingling, as well as who to contact for your want/need.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


I just recently returned from my daughter's wedding. A lot of work got suspended while getting ready for the trip, taking the trip, recovering from the trip. Eleven hundred miles each way, road trip, with no A/C in the car- and of course, we were traveling to the Mohave Desert. Stressful drive, stressful trip, family drama- all you'd expect from such an event.

I have tons of great pictures of the most beautiful bride ever :)

Back in production today, expect to see great things soon!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bzzz bzzz

I have simply been too busy to blog. Which is a very good thing.

Should any readers want to Trademark something, the search location for trademarks is here. This is a government website, and the search is free. Filing a trademark costs $325 to file online, $375 through the mail.

I have over 500 lip balms 100% complete and ready to go. I have large batches of burn salve and the psoriasis/eczema salve brewing. I bought a new, bigger, pot and am about to start the wound salve. I have new labels coming for all three of those salves. I have tentatively connected the shopping cart, though I have not tested it yet. (If you wish to make a purchase, please email me at I have been updating the business plan, a large project.

Through all this, I have guided my son through his finals, finished my finals and ended with a 3.96 GPA, and generally dealt with daily life as best as I can.

When life gets really, really overwhelming, I make myself do one small thing. Anything, like getting the mail, or checking my email. Sometimes I take the kitchen timer and set it for 30 minutes, and work for those 30 minutes- you'd be amazed how much you can get done in 30 minutes! Try it when you have too many things staring you in the face- set the timer, turn around, and the first thing your eyes land on, work on that until the timer dings.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Saturday's introspective

Once again, I am finding every one thing I need to do requires a dozen other things with it.

To hook up the shopping cart to the site, I downloaded a software program I had been recommended. Then I virus scanned it, extracted it, and read the instructions. Way more than I had time to learn; uninstalled everything. Went to my back up, PayPal. Shopping carts require shipping charges, which necessitated trips to the post office, UPS, and FedEx to compare prices based on weight. I also wanted to go ahead and get the shipping weight for the jars; I didn't have any new jars ready. So I needed to complete a batch of salve to pour off into the new jars, and I was out of a key ingredient. I ran to the store to get key ingredient, and the power fails from the rainstorm just as I walk in the door; the registers were still working, so I bought it. Turned out using the lights would have been handy; I got the wrong thing and had to go back the next day. Then I overheated my wax, ruining the wax and the pot (in trying to save the heating pot, I created a big mess for myself too).

I've learned from life and talking to other people that this is not just me. If there are any aspiring entrepreneurs out there reading this, know that you will experience this, too. You will need some permit at some point that requires information off your elementary records, which you mom doesn't have (after searching through dozens of boxes), so you will have to contact the school, fill out a form for them which needs other forms you don't have handy, and so on. You can only plan for so much, then you have to learn how to roll with it.

I have to say the laptop I bought used on eBay a few months back has been absolutely indispensable. It enables me to work anywhere, on anything- from this blog, to new labels, to the website. You absolutely must have a computer and know how to use it to succeed in business today- and a laptop is way more accessible than a desktop.

My lip balm Slick is now being carried in Glassphemy in Pullman, WA.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Website modifications

I changed the graphics and layout for the entire website. Currently, all that's up is the same page, repeated; this was to allow me to perfect the spacing and layout issues. Next I'll be adding the content and hooking up the shopping cart. I think it looks pretty sweet- check it out for yourself at

Well, I have found the place to get my UPC codes (bar codes). Soon as I have about $900 for that, I'll be set there for up to 100 bar codes for 100 unique products, and I can start listing products on, among other places. The annual charge isn't that high; that includes a 'new customer fee' for setting up all the paperwork and whatnot.

This has been a time of 3,000 steps to accomplish any ONE thing. It has been very frustrating.

For example, I ordered more labels; the printer I use is moving, and consequently the payment I gave them when I ordered they lost, and I had to call payment in again. When I saw my bank balance on my ATM receipt, I thought it looked a little low; it was possible they may have double charged me. So I wanted to check online. I recently cleaned my cookies, and therefore wiped out my online access code, so I called customer service for my login info. The rep just kept on asking 'verification' questions, and I began to get uneasy. Then he refused to identify himself further than "John", which made me very concerned. So I rushed to the branch office, and spoke with the manager. A half hour of discussions ensued, and I left relieved and assured that John was not data mining, but rather following procedure for business accounts. All together, I spent over an hour and a half on this.

It wasn't until about a half hour after I was out of the bank that I realized I still didn't have my login, or know if I was double-billed!

Apply this to just about everything I have been doing lately. Even the website work has gone painfully slow, requiring multiple calls to my ISP and GoDaddy.

I just keep on keeping on, but it is not easy. Thank goodness the play is over, and I have more time. I thoroughly enjoyed it and we got rave reviews, but boy it took a lot of my time for two months. Add in that I'm in the worst allergy season of my life, and I'm surprised I'm getting anything done.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Officially Open!

We are officially open!

Happy Earth Day!

The shopping cart will be available shortly. In the meantime, email for orders, which I can process via Pay Pal. Currently available: Slick lip balm, see label graphic from previous post. This is an organic, vegan, gluten-free herbal lip balm. It works outstandingly well. One for $5, add 6% sales tax for Idaho purchases. This first week's orders, shipping is free! Plus 25% off your total order! That's one lip balm for $3.75, two for $7.50- you get the idea!

You know, Mother's Day is only two weekends away!

Friday, April 9, 2010

The labels arrived! They look smokin' awesome! If you are in need of labels, Majestic Mountain Sage is an inexpensive, quick, thorough, and highly recommended label printers'! These labels are salve-proof (I tested) so the ink won't smear all to heck and back like they did on the ones from my home office printer.

It took a few days to clean up the mess and air out the room from the ruined salve. Rehearsal for the play I'm in has stepped up, my textbooks arrived for my two new classes, and life has generally been revved up several notches. I finally got myself a new pillow this week; I haven't slept well for around 2 months due to the old one.

Tomorrow is five hours of rehearsal, gym, and catching up on two weeks worth of college classes for two classes. Sunday will be finishing up homework, housework, spending time with family; and I hope to carve out a few hours (at least two) to work on the website.

Did I mention I will give you FREE STUFF for posting a reply here? Is anyone reading this, or I am I simply talking to myself in public? It'd be nice to know is all...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

No Fooling

I just possibly burned a huge amount of salve- 2 large batches. The laundry was coming out of the dryer as I was late for a doctor's appointment, and I forgot to turn the heat down before I left. Ack.

So, I'm going to see if this can be salvaged, and set it aside until I see how it acts; maybe it won't be a total loss. I made notes as I went to calculate my new COGS since switching to completely organic herbs and oils -lots of expensive oils that I just boiled- but I have not yet calculated them. So, good time to do the COGS! LOL :)

Since last time, I finished a class (A, natch), started 2 new ones, filed taxes, got my Tax ID, & created a new label for the lip balm, which I renamed from Cracked to Slick. What do you think?

This has gone to the printers, a proof will be here any day, then I've got a small run coming. If I like them, then I'm going for 1,000 or more- so anyone who notices a mistake or error before April 16th gets a free lip balm! Also, anyone who leaves constructive feedback about this label (love it because, don't like this or that) here in comments will get a digital coupon for 30% off your first order!

Tell your friends! Grand Opening Earth Day, April 22nd.

As for me, life goes on. I have 15 hours of play rehearsal per week for "Our Town", which opens in two weeks. I have a meeting scheduled with the Entrepreneur department of the local University next week. I'm hoping a large body of students will review everything from my business plan to my layouts and marketing plans, and give me advice on how to strengthen and improve the business. He will let me know how that can happen, and what to expect. I'm excited about this.

I spoke with the USDA about using their Organic label. You'd think since most of the ingredients are certified organic with the logo, that it would be a given that I could use the logo too, right? Wrong! I have to pay to have the products (pay for each one) to be tested by the state agriculture department- and they decided if I can use a logo, and which one. So look for that logo in the near future. In the meantime, I have labeled in the ingredients list which ones are certified organic- those not marked as organic are grown organically, they just lack the funds to get their certification.

Some people may wonder why I'm working as hard as do- really, it's not that hard. The business does not take a large amount of time for me, it is just hard for me to work. I have some health issues that make it difficult to work much of the time, and impossible sometimes. Thankfully, I have a wonderful supportive partner who is happy to help, when I allow myself to ask for it.

When I feel overwhelmed, I look at my stuffed Dilbert perched on my desk and remember how much more my life sucked when I worked in a cubicle. And I remember the people I've helped with these balms and how it affected their life. I'm passionate about this business, and love what I'm doing, even if I can't go at the speed I would like :)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Everything goes wrong

Something to remember when starting a business, is Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong, will.

Example: I printed out forms to fill out to get my state Tax ID. The next day I went to grab them to fill them out, and couldn't find them. The forms were hard to find online, so I kept looking for them at home. Finally, after three days, I gave up and tracked them down again, and printed a second set. I started filling the forms out, was nearly done, and went to bed. While I slept, my cat knocked over a glass of water onto- you guessed it- the forms, which were now trash. So I decided to fill them out online, and did. Three days later I got a call from the state, saying they could not process me without an EIN number; please go to this IRS website and get one. I go to the IRS website, and it has HOURS OF OPERATION- seriously. I just finished this whole mess today, getting the EIN and giving it to the state. But this one "small" duty turned into several hours of work, spread over many days.

Now multiply that by EVERYTHING I am doing.

I have certainly had my moments of crying jags, head in hands, certain this will never get off the ground. But I just keep picking myself back up, and taking one more step forward. It doesn't matter if that step is to go around an obstacle, and I only move forward one inch instead of one foot- if I keep on stepping, I will get there in the end.

The ONLY difference between winners and losers is that losers keep getting back up and pressing on, no matter how hard they are knocked down, or how many times they are knocked down.

Right now, I have all of my raw product ingredients on hand: jars, oils, waxes, herbs, shrink bands, heat gun. I have not made any salve yet, as I cannot GET to anything, because all of the above mentioned items are crowding me out of my office. Enter my wonderful partner, who is working his fingers to the bone helping to reorganize the house and take things to storage (in addition to being my Shipping & Receiving guy), so that I can get things rolling.

Oh, I found a new label printer, at 40% of the cost that a local printer quoted me, so that's good. Pretty much everything is done off of the prior "to do" lists printed here.

Still to do: Redesign labels, and send to printer; redesign website, upload, test; do a test run of shopping cart; make, pour, label, finalize salves; create sales brochures; create press releases.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

uh oh

Well things are starting to unravel.

The labels I wanted cost over a dollar per label, so not getting those.

There's not enough room in the office for my inventory.

I'm extremely stressed, feel very overworked while simultaneously feeling like I'm not getting anything done.

Daily trips to the gym for three weeks have resulted in a 1.5 lb weight loss, which is making me wonder "why bother?".

I've been too busy to get on the phone, so my daughters and friends are starting to feel alienated.

All this could be yours, just follow the American dream...

Sunday, February 28, 2010

bzz bzz

Busy busy bee. Rearranged office, purchased and installed new desk, sorted through all office paperwork. Received, unloaded, and unpacked 5 huge uline boxes (jars and boxes, mostly). Did three weeks' worth of homework. Broke in laptop and new shoes.

I'm so blessed that my mate offered to take over all the food- shopping, prepping, and cooking. I'm even further blessed because my son then took over all the chores, except the cat box. I haven't had this few household chores since I was 8; then again, I've never had as many other things on my daily 'to do' list.

Play rehearsals start up again next week.

Three weeks until Spring!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Wow, has it really been three weeks? I've been mad busy.

Done off the to-do lists: called FedEx and UPS for quotes/packages for shipping; placed uline order; shredding; made and went to doctor's appointment; made and went to haircut appointments; tried out for play, got part in play, went to 6 play rehearsals; organized and cleaned the kitchen; organized and cleaned the living room; spoke to insurance agent to get price quotes for liability insurance; bought a digital camera for "before" and "after" pictures; bought a cell phone; took two loads to storage; bought a laptop and accessories; bought new clothes so I can look more professional.

I got so far as to print out the Tax ID forms, figuring I'd be more likely to fill them out off-line. Then, when I had time to fill them out, I couldn't find them. Frustrating.

That's all I can remember at the moment. That's all in addition to the normal running of the household- laundry, bills, cleaning, cooking, my homework, son's homework, etc.

I should point out something that took up an enormous amount of time. My finacee had health problems that needed immediate and radical attention. He did an organic vegetable juice and herbal tea fast for three weeks. There were also massages and special baths daily, among other things. This took up about 75% of my day for 21 days in a row. I'm happy to say it all was worth it. He lost 30 lbs, the pains in his chest are gone, his overall health has improved, and his blood sugar is down an average of 85 points a day.

Everyone is already besieging me for salves. My daughter is going to sell them as a distributor, and she reminds me every day how much she hates her current job. Lots of pressure. I'm too stressed to meditate, I just burn the incense so the smell can relax me some.

I'm currently reading Ogilvy on Advertising, looking for any kind of advice on advertising I can get from the best. When that book is done, I have a stack of another half-dozen waiting for me. Since time is at a premium, I carry them around and read in the tub, on the toilet, on the treadmill or bike at the gym, whenever I can. I've done the same in the past for starting my own business, writing a business plan, how to research, market research, etc. You don't just wake up one day with the knowledge of how to run a business. You have to do your homework.

Ironically, one of the other books I'm reading, 2010 Megatrends, starts out by talking about how important it is to meditate!

No play rehearsals this week, which gives me time to put the pedal to the metal and get stuff done.

Monday, February 1, 2010

To do list

Last week's: email FedEx and UPS for quotes/packages for shipping (get on regular pick-up schedule); open new business bank account; place uline order; email SBDC to begin research for finding some equipment I need; open storage shed to clear out space for manufacturing/storing in apartment; order new business cards; file tax ID; empty out office/closets into storage shed; order oil, wax, herbs, tubes; spruce up MySpace account.

As of this blog, have done the blue highlighted items. It's been a hell of a week. I've also joined the gym (and done one workout), grocery shopped at least eight times, taken three loads to the shed, ordered new contacts, and made gallons of juice. My partner has begun a juice cleansing and healing regime, and washing and prepping the produce takes up a ton of time; I've helped as I could.

So, new list for this week: complete all of last week's undone items (except for green), shred, organize and clean office, create new business cards, call to meet with accountants, get shelves hung in the closet to hold inventory. Meanwhile, on a personal note, I have to call for a doctor's appointment, make haircut appointments, go to haircut appointments, try out for a play, organize and clean the kitchen, organize and clean the living room, go shopping another umpteen times, etc etc.

I'm building up to having a business class at the University review my work, and to doing a market research survey around town. I figure the more good brains are in on this the better, and listening to my (future) customers is a great way to begin as I intend to go on. So I have to update the business plan (which I've needed to do for months), create a presentation (preferably PP, with white copies as well as overheads), create a survey form that will be as informative as possible, modify the business labels, create a second layout for the labels, create signs for the survey, etc.

I will blog as I can, and hope to be very busy for a while.

Comments on the 18th

Upon further thought, I realized that my life has been intermingled with the government my entire life. I reacted that day in an emotional, knee-jerk, teen-rebellion type manner. "I'm grown up now, see? I don't need or want you in my life. So there."

The reality is that if not for the government, my children would never have had any type of health coverage (Medicaid), including for their births. Their nutrition would have been poorer if not for WIC (which while appreciated, I must say today that an organic produce set of coupons is a must) and food stamps. The government stepped in at a time in my life where violence demanded help, and did everything they could to remedy the situation.

So, to clarify: I love my country. I appreciate my government. I wish there weren't so many assholes in positions to run my government. That's about the extent of my politics, really. I don't have a mad on for Republicans or Democrats, the right or left; just jerks who aren't doing their job right and are screwing things up for, oh, everyone.

Since this business is such a passion for me, I don't want to hand over any type of control of it whatsoever. At this point, anyway. As much as I want to stand on my own to do this, I do need money to make this work. I don't know if I really want to try for the loan, or to try for private investors. No matter what route I take, I want it to be on my terms, without sacrificing my soul and who I am.

I don't want this business to change me. I want it to always reflect my ethics, my passions, and my commitment.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday, monday

Got the bank account opened. Shopped around for a storage unit, found the one I want. Signing up for it tomorrow. Did a thousand other things today, chillaxing the rest of the night.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Emailed SBDC to begin research project, and bought some office organizational products today.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Catching up blog

We were looking into somehow, someway, buy this large 'white elephant' home in the area. It would have given me plenty of space for the business, as well as more living space than we have now, plus rooms to rent. I keep getting turned down and don't know if it's because I'm not meant to have it so I'm being deterred, or if I'm supposed to overcome rejections and keep trying to get this house. More on this to come, I'm sure.

So I've contacted two webmasters and one photographer from my area. No responses so far; where are fellow small business owners who are working? I need you to be so I can be too :)

There have been 50,000 problems and 'shiny objects' to deter me from my business, and still I press onward.

Oh, and did I mention, my partner and I have successfully quit smoking?! Three weeks already, and going strong. We are starting a cleansing/nourishing diet next week so I will have all the energy and focus I need to make this launch a success.

So now the withdrawal is pretty much out of my system, the diet will take care of any lingering traces, and I'm rocking and rolling. This week: email FedEx and UPS for quotes/packages for shipping (get on regular pick-up schedule); open new business bank account; place uline order; email SBDC to begin research for finding some equipment I need; open storage shed to clear out space for manufacturing/storing in apartment; order new business cards; file tax ID; empty out office/closets into storage shed; order oil, wax, herbs, tubes; spruce up MySpace account.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Reflections and Changes

I was working on all these things to get ready to apply for the SBA loan, and then I just stopped. Just did nothing for about a week. I started asking myself why, and didn't have the answer right away.

I do now.

This business, Herbal Hippie, is a real passion for me. It is very much an extension of me, and reflects my tastes, my ethics, my personality. There were things I was trying to do that did not fit with that, directions I was considering heading in that did not mesh with who I am. And that did not sit well with me.

While I love my country very much, I am not a fan of the people running it- another words, I don't like our government. Yet I was going to apply for a government loan to finance my business... it was during that time of doing 'nothing' that my brain was working, and showing me how I can't do that. I can't be anti-government, and then turn around and take their money, and then spend that money the way THEY want it to be spent, effectively giving control of my business to the SBA; it goes against my ethics, and it's too damned hypocritical. So no, I'm not doing that.

Thank goodness I didn't spend hours filling out these forms!

So I'm back to the drawing board- back to ways to run this on a shoestring until I get enough sales to take it to the next level. Alternatively, I can take investors who have the same ethics, goals, and dreams that I do, those that are in line with the focus of the business. Either way, at least this way I'll be able to look myself straight in the eyes when I'm looking into the mirror.